I love him so much. I am so blessed to have a child who is such a good person. He is so caring, well behaved, funny, smart, thoughtful, talented, and as cute as can be.
I love how kind and caring he is. He has so many friends and that really says something. I constantly hear "He is such a good kid" or "Everybody really likes him". We were talking yesterday about how some kids behave bad and I thanked him for being such a good person. I rarely have to discipline him. I heard Carlos tell Jayden the other day "you are my best friend". I can't explain how that touched me. I melted.
I love how he makes me laugh and I love to make him laugh. We have so much fun together. It is so cute when he does the robot dance when he doesn't know I'm watching. Or when he sings in the shower. His jokes typically have something to do with farting... or chicken.
I love how when he is into something, he has to learn everything about it. It started when he was one and he loved basketball. Then it was dinosaurs, monster trucks, sea creatures, collage football, soccer, geography, and now {hate to say it} Nascar. Hopefully that's a very temporary interest. He'll spend hours looking up stuff on the Internet or making up games about his favorite subject and he just absorbs everything about it. I hope he never looses this.
I love to watch him on the soccer field...or the football field...or the basketball court, swimming pool, golf course and so on and so on. He is very athletic. I'll admit, I have become that parent who yells really loud at the game. Never thought I would, but I can't help it when I am watching him play. I especially love to watch him play soccer. His footwork is so fancy for his age. I cannot explain the pride I have when he is playing well.
I love how honest he is. He will totally rat himself out. I sometimes hear "Mommy, I have something to tell you". He will tell the truth no matter how bad he might get in trouble. He is not afraid to talk to me about difficult things. He doesn't shy away from telling me things that many people are too embarrassed to say. I hope that never changes.
I love his freckles. I love his brown eyes and beautiful smile. I even love his cowlick. I cannot believe he is growing up so fast. We wear the same size shoe! I love that even though he is getting so big, he isn't too big to cuddle. He has been so lovable and snugly lately. He even started letting me kiss him on the lips again (for several years, that was off limits).
I thank God for blessing my life with this child.