Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jayden's 10th Birthday

Yesterday was Jayden's 10th Birthday. He thought we were going out to dinner w/ my parents. He had no idea I had something else planned for him. When a limousine pulled up in front of the house and I asked if he was ready to go...he just stared. He still couldn't figure out what was going on. Carlos, Carmen, Bethany and Parker were all outside too. They knew I was having a surprise party for Jayden but they did not know about the limo. They were so excited when they realized they were going in the limo too.

Don't's sparkling cider. Cheers!

We picked up some more kids. Grant, Luke, Chase, Kellon and Reese. So the limo was full of kids, no adults allowed. I sat up front w/ the driver. They had so much fun helping themselves to the beverage bar and playing with the stereo system.
I had "Pit Stops" planned out, with instructions at each stop. First they had to go to the Dollar Tree and purchase something to wear. Then we went to see "Art". It was funny watching people's reaction to a limo pulling over and 10 kids climbing out. Next they had to go to Goodies and eat a Double Salted Licorice. It was disgusting and very cruel of me, but I enjoyed watching their faces turn as the taste hit them. Most of them spit it out right away.
Next they had to go to the Old Mill District and dress up like pirates and run thru the shops.

Finally we went to Jake's for cake.

And back to my house for pizza and presents. So we had 2 hours w/the limousine and it was totally destroyed by the time we got home. You couldn't even see the floor and I think they finished off all the drinks they could find. the bar has been raised and I don't know how I will top this party, but you only turn 10 once.