Monday, February 9, 2009

Basketball, Hockey and...eggs

Basketball season has started and this year Jayden is on the (Jake's Diner) Nuggets. They played really well this week, and if they kept score at this age, than they would have won.
Go #8!

As we were leaving, Jayden told me they won 78-12. That's very impressive! I asked him who was keeping score. He said he was.
After the game, we had to go to Big 5. I promised him if he did laundry all week, then he could earn money to buy a hockey stick. It was torture for him to wait all day Saturday until we went out. He wanted to go to the store first thing in the morning of course. So on the way home, he made sure I didn't forget where we were going.
And in my effort to take more pictures this year, I had to take my camera into the store with us. This was a very important moment in his life.

And he decided he wanted to play roller hockey next season. I explained to him he had to be a good roller bladder, so he pulled out the blades and set up a hockey rink, using the recycle bin as a goal. Parker didn't have a hockey stick, so he used a broom.

Lookin good Jayden!
And about those eggs.
One night last week, Jayden had gotten up out of bed and came to tell me that he couldn't sleep and he needed a new pillow. Cause his was fraying and smelled like eggs.